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Chapter History

About 1995, James L.R. Boyd and Richard Hofer, Sr., set about to organize an SAR Chapter in the St. Charles area. Jim Boyd was the organizing president.


The nucleus were members of the Spirit of St. Louis Chapter in St. Louis, some of whom lived in the St. Charles area. Others liked the idea of a night meeting rather than a Saturday morning. Recruitment began to find potential members from the area to reach the chartering quota.


The chartering ceremony took place on May 4, 1997 at Pio's Restaurant in St. Charles. There were 19 original charter members. The original slate of officers were:


President-Kenneth (Norm) Norman Hagan
Vice President-James (Jim) B. Elliot
Secretary-Richard (Dick) H. Hofer Sr.
Treasurer-Robert (Bob) B. Baldwin
Registrar/Chaplain-Francis (Fran) M. Northrup
Historian-John W. White
Sergeant-at-arms- Stuart (Stu) Ballou

Genealogist - Richard (Dick) H. Hofer, Sr.


The remaining charter members were Stephen Baldwin, Stuart Ballou, James Borgman, James Boyd Jr., William Boyd, Geoffrey Decker, Jerrell Driver, Roger Fuqua, Edward Gray, Robert Grover, Dennis Hahn, Dana Jones, Lawrence Loker, Robert Raines, and Samuel Rainwater, Jr. 


Shortly after the chartering ceremony, the Chapter voted to include as Charter Members those who joined during 1997 and 1998. The following 6 men during this time period: David Bell, Glennon Henke, Jr., Norval Hood, and Oliver Wilkins.


There are a total of 25 men who are considered Charter Members. As of November 2020, the following 10 men have passed away: Robert Baldwin, Stuart Ballou, David Bell, James Elliot, Roger Fuqua, Norman Hagan, Richard Hofer, Norval Hood, Lawrence Loker, Frances Northrup, and Oliver Wilkins.


The chapter has continued to grow and has won the MOSSAR Josiah Fogg award seven times, once as a small chapter and six times as a large chapter. The chapter spearheaded the creation of a custom painting of ships named Missouri that was placed on the current USS Missouri, a fast attack nuclear submarine as well as the placing of a plaque near Busch Stadium commemorating the Battle of Fort San Carlos. A number of men have uniforms and participate in Color Guard activities in the area.



© 2024 by Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution - Fernando de Leyba Chapter


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