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2024 Chapter Officers

Jim Jackson.jpg

President J. Jackson

Casey A. Brizendine.jpg
Dan Evans - 6 Nov 2022 .JPG
FDL - Michael F. Hubbard - 2022.jpg

Vice-President C. Brizendine          Secretary/Treasurer - D. Evans           Geneologist - M. Hubbard

Chaplain - J. Keithly                                        Registrar - D. Hahn                          Historian - J. Watkins

Charles Lilly.jpg
FDL - William D. Hemenway IV - May 2023.JPG

   Color Guard Commander                   Jr. Color Guard Commander                     Sergeant-At-Arms
                      C. Lilly                                                               B. Grimstead                                                    W. Hemenway

Social Media Outreach Coordinators  - Open

Genealogist Emeritus – D. Neff

Color Guard Commander Emeritus – W. Grote

Webmaster - D. Desmarais

© 2024 by Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution - Fernando de Leyba Chapter


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