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The Sons of the American Revolution sponsor a number of programs that educate and reward the youth of our chapter


Education Committee

Dr. Tom & Betty Lawrence American History Teacher Award

Click Here for Information and Guidelines



High School Students

George & Stella Knight Essay Contest

Open to any high school student in grade 9-12 attending home school, public, parochial, or private high school.  800 to 1,200 word essay on event, person, philosophy or ideal associated with American Revolution, Declaration of Independence, or framing of US Constitution.  Chapter, state & national level competition.  Winners of state and national competition receive a cash prize.

Click Here for Information and Guidelines



High School Students

Rumbaugh Historical Oration Contest

Open to high school students in grades 9-12.  Each student’s five-to-six-minute speech (and accompanying manuscript) is judged based upon its composition, delivery, significance, and historical accuracy and relevance.  Competition is at the chapter, state & national level with winners receiving scholarships or cash prizes.

Rumbaugh Oration Contest Information and Guidelines



Middle School Students

Sergeant Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest

Open to middle school students (grade 6—9), depending upon when the American Revolution is taught, including ecumenical and home-schooled students.  Tri-fold brochure from 8-1/2 x 11 paper.  Based on 1 of 5 founding documents; Articles of Confederation, Declaration of Independence, Federalist Papers, Constitution, & Bill or Rights.   Cash prizes are awarded to state and national contest winners.

Sgt. Moses Adams Memorial Middle School Brochure Contest – National Society Sons of the American Revolution (



Elementary School Students

Americanism Elementary School Poster Contest

Open to public, private, or ecumenical, and home schooled students in the 3rd, 4th, or 5th grades, depending on when the American Revolution is taught.   Created on standard flexible or foam backed poster board.  Theme set by National, state identifies state-wide theme based on National theme.  Cash prizes are awarded to state and national contest winners.

The Deadline for 2023 was February 28, 2023.  Information & guidelines for 2024 coming soon.




Outstanding ROTC/JROTC Cadet Award 

The Unit Commanding Officer selects the college ROTC cadet (silver medal) or high school cadet (bronze medal) who has the highest degree of merit with respect to leadership qualities, military bearing, and general excellence.  Chapter winners compete at the state & national level for cash awards.



Eagle Scouts

Arthur M. & Berdena King Eagle Scout Contest 

Open to any Eagle Scout not yet 19 during the year of application.  Applicants submit a 2 page application, four-generation ancestry chart, & 500 word patriotic theme.  Chapter winners compete at the state & national level.  National award is $10,000 as cash prize or scholarship.

Information & guidelines for 2022


Click Here to Download the Fernando de Leyba Chapter Eagle Scout Award Brochure


Youth Video Contest
NSSAR Youth Video Contest National Program
Video Contest.jpg

On 7 May 2024, the Executive Committee considered and approved a formal proposal to create the NSSAR Youth Video Contest as a full National level program.  In addition, the Youth Video Contest Committee was established to administer the program.  Upon achieving their goal, the Task Force was dissolved and this Chairman would like to thank each of the members (as well as non-members) for their hard work and support in making this new youth contest a reality. 
At this time, the Youth Video Contest Committee encourages each of the State Societies to establish and administer a Youth Video Contest.  A tool kit is being prepared with documents and materials necessary to build a program.  Help is available.
During a recent Zoom meeting, the contest rules were reviewed, amended, and updated.  Some essential changes include:

  • Contestants have been expanded to include all Middle School and High School students (6th – 12th grade)

  • Entries may be submitted by a single contestant or by a group. 

  • Video length:  3 – 5 minutes

  • Language regarding original content, copyright infringement, plagiarism, and Artificial Intelligence has been expanded.

  • Prizes for the 2024-2025 school year:

    • First Place:  $1500

    • Second Place: $500

    • The First Place winner will receive a stipend of up to $1500 to reimburse travel to the NSSAR National Congress

    • Cash awards greater than $600 may be received as a scholarship with the completion of appropriate tax documents. 

  • The deadline for submission at the National level is 15 February.

Lapel pins are available at the bronze level for $100 and the silver level for $250.  Donations should be sent directly to Headquarters and designated to benefit the Youth Video Contest. 

© 2024 by Missouri Society Sons of the American Revolution - Fernando de Leyba Chapter


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